On the main page you can see all configurations of your bots, Fuel, Chart, API Keys status, Chips and much more.
Lifetime - Total lifetime of the selected bot. It is calculated when the bot is active.
Income - Profit in % from starting balance.
Deal time - Average time your bot makes a deal.
Deals - Number of deals your bot did. Deal means that an order has been bought and sold with profit.
Chips - Chips are the orders opened on Binance. There are 4 types of chips:
Main Page
API keys permission, Fuel, Profit, Delta, Stop loss, Target, Income, Deals, Deal time, Converted Profit, Converted balance, Fees.
Fuel is required to maintain your bot’s work. Fuel is burned only if you receive profit, consumption is 5%. 1 fuel is equal to 1 USDT.
Create and Start the bot
Detailed instruction on how to create, configure and start the bot for spot trading. Set start balance, profit, delta.
The wavemeter is a service that displays Binance Spot Market pairs according to assets in different time ranges, providing you with current data in the form of a table.
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